Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Fiend

Like gloves, it wears my skin,

hiding its own calloused fingers,

I feel it rubbing, leathery against

the insides of my hand alive.

It changes the beat of my heart

to rhythm unnatural. Pounding

away my despaired screams for help.

If only they could hear its frenzied laugh,

If only they could see.

Why don’t they hear me, rescue me?

I’m screaming loud, but in here,

there’s nothing louder than silence.

They can’t see the invisible tears

streaming down my face,

the very visage of Sorrow.

Oh how I am confined, enveloped,

wrapped in a musty curtain, out of sight.

Hours of darkness never end.

I am but a prisoner looking out

through cold, barred windows,

Free to think,

but powerless beyond my bounds.

The fight in me grows weaker,

I’m a puppet to its will.

For days, months, years, I live

confined within my head and heart.

Until one day, the calm settles.

I am left wondering if there is,

and ever was, more than

a fabricated web of self-deceit,

having imaginated within.

Perhaps now there won’t be screams.

Perhaps now, the fiend is me, and I,

The Fiend.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Game for Young and Old

Life's jigsaw--
a puzzle of deliberation,
searching for pieces
in the dark of night.

Connect the corners
to create foundation,
methodically building
into the missing heart.

Image takes form,
stale dreams become reality,
A single piece, separates
what is and what could be.

In the palm of my hand
lies that keystone piece,
the missing link
to a whole, incomplete.

Yet hesitation numbs,
sweet outlook turns sour,
With the jigsaw entire
Life’s game is no more.

A Kind Cigarette

It's nights like these,
when shaded heavens
and frostbitten skies
upset my mind unstable.
Buried beneath false despair,
rescued by the glow of shadows;
thoughts of action breed inaction,
as a specter-raven tears
the delicate weave of reason.
The weight of heavy heart
and the unraveled mind--
victimized by tired senses.
With a sigh of relief,
I sign away resolve,
embracing sinful pleasure:

a kind cigarette.

Advice (From the Shadow of a Man)

When I see the young ones...
Drinking all their dreams away
Careless in everything
Never thinking past today.

Sometimes I plead
Hoping one will listen.

They always say, "Don't worry,
We're smart, We'll find a way."
Off they go, snickering,
Ignoring every word I say.

Each time my eyes
Flood with tears of grief.

Years from now
They won't be men
But mere shadows of who
They could have been.

Man's Burden

I have often questioned,
are the troubles of man
of mannish trouble?
The intellectual cursed
with intellect,
The wealthy afflicted
by weath,
The anguished consumed
in anguish.

Overhead, a bird;
flying above burdened man
amongst clouds unclouded.
An entire existence
fixed upon the horizon,
to reach the unreachable.
Soaring into the setting sun,
One wonders...

Twilight Gloom

As dusk falls,
The green of trees replaced by shade,
silhouttes against the graying sky.
The world around, simplified.
With withered daylight amore
pushed aside, the heart is
forced into a prison mist.
Nighttime chill
permeates the gloom,
consuming thoughts of happiness,
trapping Frolic's tune
in a cage of shadows.

Admist the twilight gloom,
admist fright and uncertainty,
a steadfast spirit lives.
Constantly spinning, re-creating
the delicate threads of reason.
Though vicious fog envelops,
the soul within bolsters
an eternal hope--
though confined to the
faint radiance of stars--
for warmth once again.

Delusions of Grandeur

In the hustle-bustle of city life
a countryman seeks to find
fame and fortune.
Lured by promises of wealth
he casts aside
family, friends, love.

"These things can wait,"
he tells himself
looking into a mirror.
An emotionless face
with a skeptical grin
stares back,
but refuses to see.

Long hours, sleepless nights,
spent in pursuit of gold.
Not a happy thought
nor a moments rest
can wry him from
delusions of grandeur.
Family looks away,
friends move on,
and love slips by...

"What have I become?"
he asks himself,
his heart filled with grief.
A gold watch, suede shoes,
and a pocket full of cash…
all meaningless as
he walks an unlit alley
in one hand
a bottle of whiskey,
in the other
a loaded gun.