Sunday, March 1, 2009


On a gentle slope today I chose to lie,
it was bright out and the sun on my skin
felt of warmth and home.
I saw six birds playing in the sky
three to a side, together they flew
darting and weaving, through and through.
In effortless circles they danced, with
the troubled earth so far below...

They reminded me of a simpler time
when faces and feelings were still in line
and love was always pure.
I thought to myself: "It must be swell,
to live a freebird, to fly so high,
to be so close to the living sun,
to never have a single worry to tell."

But jealousy seemed a fleeting thought.
For I know that birds are born to fly,
and I? I'll never touch the sky
or dance above the clouds.
But having thought of such great heights
my mind came focused on my own flight
to think and dream and write.

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